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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Actual blog Number 1 (Crimea and the flight 370)

     Okay, so I gather you here today, so you can read what I type, fascinating, isn't it? This post will consist of three sections: Story, News, Rant. The story will be completely falsified information about what happened to flight 370; the news will be, well, news, of course. Finally, the rant, the rant will be related directly to, more specifically to I hope you guys enjoy :)

Flight 370
     So, you may be wondering what happened to the flight 370 that was lost after departing from Malaysia, well, I have exactly what happened right in this post.
     They were in mid-flight, a normal flight for most, but the pilot had a sense of foreboding since the night before. The pilot decided to shrug it off with a cup of coffee and an anti-superstitious co-pilot. The crew was about to do their routine call-in to the station, when all of a sudden, a man with a gun he hid in his shoe ran to the pilot's quarters, and shot the radio. The hijacker was revealed when a female flight attendant tackled him and pulled of his mask. The hijacker was non-other than . . . Will Ferrell! Will then proceeded to shoot the flight attendant in the face and call upon his alien fleet to abduct the plane. The crew fought valiantly, but ultimately had to give in to Will and his powerful gun. When the plane was landed inside the alien mother ship, there were many Greys and Will Smith collaborating with who seemed to be the alien general. Will got off the plane and talked to Will about what to do with the plane. Will and Will then proceeded to drop the plane out in the middle of the Indian ocean, where investigators are headed towards to look for the plane.
Extra, Extra, read all about it, Crimea votes for secession from Ukraine!
That's right folks, you heard it here, Crimean citizens made a vote with well over 50% majority voting to succeed from Ukraine and to join Russia. Nobody really knows what this may cause, WWIII? unlikely, angry Ukraine? Most definitely, bad drivers in Crimea? You betcha. You can read more at this page 
Fox news, fair and balanced. (I had to, sorry)
So, about Reddit, more specifically about KarmaCourt (KC). Okay, so recently in KC there has been many a situation where a certain mod, Audiophile0921 (Audio), has ruined cases, stuffed the ballots, and banned great a great lawyer. This is Unacceptable, as a mod should not abuse his powers to annoy people, or to get back at someone he doesn't get along with. As Mr.Anon puts it "This place is turning into a place where satire comes to die, become a zombie, and burn". On note of the already declining condition of the sub-reddit, and the recent abuse of this mod's power. Now what I really want to know is, why in the fudge would Audio just hire a new mod out-of-the-blue with no consent of the other mods! (as I hear it of course) And from what I hear, he appears to be another mod like Mr. Audiophile. This Needs To Stop, NOW! If this continues without any action from the other mods, KC will turn into a sub-reddit nobody will take seriously anymore, and we will not allow this to happen!

But in the mean time, let us celebrate the fact that this blog has had views from three different countries, yay! They would be the U.S.A, Germany, and Britain. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A proposed schedule and content for my blogging

Hi everybody, Dman here, I am going to set a schedule for me to blog, probably around once a week. However, if traffic is low, it may be around once every two weeks.

My blog will consist of stories, current news, possibly rants (if you guys really want them,which you probably don't) probably in the same post. I most likely will not add ads (Haha, it rhymes :P) unless I get 100+ visits on at least two posts.

Sound Good? If you have any suggestions, please just leave them in the comments!

A play I have seen recently

 A play about adventure, trickery, and murder . . I'll watch! The play "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is an exciting play about a couple young boys, Thomas Sawyer and "Huck" Finn, looking for treasure and going on adventures. This play was very entertaining, and was done in such a manner, it made me want to watch it again. 
      The play was well written, as it took many of the key components from the book, and made sure to include some pieces that weren't too important, but kept the play flavorful. The costumes were well done, capturing the time period the play was in, and the personality of the characters. The set was what you would expect from a play, but the bedroom scene did catch me by surprise, with the bed being portrayed on the 'second floor'. The most memorable quote I can remember from the play was when the boys showed up at the funeral and shouted that they were alive. The accents and sound effects I believe were dead on, personally, if I were an actor, I probably would have had a hard time dropping the accent after the play, as, for me, when I hold an accent for too long, it is almost like a natural voice. 
      As said, the play was very entertaining and well done. If I were to recommend this play to a friend, I would give a 10/10, although I don't go to plays that much. I may have been more impressed than other people, but these have been, my thoughts.

Note: This was a language arts assignment, so sorry foe seeming so formal, and bad at it.

Hope y'all leave some comments so I can improve
                                                                             - Dman