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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

     Christmas Memories
             By: Dman

 This Christmas, was a very special Christmas; it is one that I likely will not forget. I would mark this as one of the Christmas' that would not be forgotten gift wise, though. I will remember it as one of the good Christmas' when it came to gifts, but rather, not one of too much family connection for some reason.

 I had been wanting this certain gift for 2 - 3 years before this Christmas. The gift was wanted by me enough, that I was willing to put money aside to help 'Santa' make his decision of getting it for me. I had promptly stated the year before that it was the only gift I wanted, but that wasn't enough. No, not enough at all, so this year, I decided to set aside 70$ towards getting this gift. Yes, it was expensive enough that 70$ was needed to even start making a dent in it. 70 dollars, although, was not enough to make up a quarter of the price of this gift. This gift is a gift that many would take for granted, but a few others would think that this contraption would be awesome to get, but too far out of reach money-wise.

 It was Christmas day, everyone was gathered around the tree. My sister handed out her presents, I handed out mine. Gifts were exchanged between the family, then we moved on to the 'Santa' gifts. My sister got hers (quite a few gifts, but low in price) then my other family members opened theirs. Finally, we got to mine, which I actually did not see hiding behind the tree. I un-wrapped a large box, pondering. As I opened the big box, there was a second box in it that read on the front "Dell". I was constantly stating while opening the box "This better not be a joke, This better not be a joke, if this is a joke I may have to punch my brother". I opened the "Dell" box and inside I found the gift I had been waiting for, a laptop.

Note 1: My brother is older than me by about 9 years, so I wouldn't do much damage by punching him.

Note 2: Santa is in apostrophe's for a reason.

Note 3: This is my first blog here, please be kind, point out spelling and grammar errors Please. I hope you guys like it, completely true story, I actually wrote this blog on my new laptop :). Incase you guys are wondering, my other gifts I got were Pokémon X (from my brother, made the Christmas even better) and a box of Lego Hero Factory from my aunt.

Feel free to give out constructive criticism and to leave comments!

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